Woodridge Water Pump Specialists

Woodridge markets

There are multiple maintenance strategies that can be used to extend the life of water pump equipment. One of the most effective is a combination of both preventative and predictive maintenance.

This is where the preventive maintenance strategies are used to prevent equipment breakdowns, while the predictive maintenance programs are used to identify and plan for future repairs. This combination of strategies can result in fewer unplanned equipment failures.

Preventative maintenance is the act of keeping your equipment in good shape. This can be anything from regularly checking your oil, greasing your machinery and regularly checking the equipment to ensure it is balanced.

These preventative programs are essential in keeping maintenance costs low by preventing expensive failures ahead of them happening.

Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach to maintenance that involves testing and analysing equipment to determine its current condition and then providing a maintenance schedule for the equipment. This helps to avoid unexpected downtime.

In addition, some pumps are not as important as others, so it is not as important to spend time and money on vibration analysis for a pump in a non-essential application as it is on a pump in a critical role.

Preventative Maintenance for Water Pumps

The best way to avoid downtime is by doing routine maintenance. Operators and maintenance managers can look into the future life of the equipment by having it run and inspecting it. This can prevent unexpected downtime.
To help prevent premature failure, unbalanced pumps should be checked on a regular basis. In the case of any of the rotating parts, they should be checked for imbalances. If any of the bearings or seals are failing, this should be checked to prevent the pump from failing. This will ensure the longevity of the pump.

Predictive Maintenance for Water Pumps

Predictive maintenance is the use of technology to monitor the condition of equipment while it is still in service. This away, a technician can observe changes in vibration levels over time periods to predict when problems may occur. This also allows the technician to see what needs to be done to prevent the problem before it happens.

Water Pump Planned Maintenance Programs

Create a maintenance plan for your pumps by creating categories for them, or ask Walker Environmental to do it for you:


– Water Pumps should be put in this Category if …
• It is CATASTROPHIC if this pump stops working

• Failure can be dangerous and even deadly

• Possibility of Violating Laws or Govt Regulations

• No adequate backup exists.


– If this pump fails …
• Production on this line may cease

• Some pump parts may not be available or have a long lead time


– There is a backup pump

– The pump runs running in a nonessential

Next, decide how you will be maintaining the equipment in the best shape possible. The ideal plan will involve degrees of the following practices.
Maintenance is important to extending the life of a pump. The parts that require replacing on a pump are often less expensive parts. These are usually the parts that need to be replaced on a regular basis, like every month. A preventive maintenance plan might include the following:

– Check the oil level, vibration levels and bearing temperatures

– Mechanical seal shows no signs of leaking, and the packing is

– ibration analysis – sight, sound, touch, smell

– Check Discharge Pressure – ensure pressure gauges are
reading at an acceptable level

– On a quarterly basis, ensure that the following items are checked:

– Equipment foundation – make sure that the anchor bolts
are tight

– If you are using oil or grease lubricated parts, try to
change the oil or re-grease the part after every three months
or two thousand operating hours.

– Shaft alignment is a critical component of your pump – Check
it regularly

– Re-Grease any motor bearings as per the manufacturer’s

Precision Rebuilds

Precision rebuilds reduce equipment failure and should be central to your water pump reliability strategy. If your in-house team lacks the expertise and experience to build pumps back to OEM standards, call Walker Environmental on 07 3805 5482 and we will handle the problem for you at an affordable price.

Walker Environmental is a family-owned business dedicated to providing the best water pump maintenance services for residential and commercial customers. We service all suburbs of Brisbane including Logan, Logan Reserve, Woodridge, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba. You can contact us by phone on 0418 157 258 or 07 3805 5482. We are QBCC licenced.

You can contact us by phone on 0418 157 258 or 07 3805 5482. We are QBCC licenced